Monthly and weekly photo memes for all of you "Foto Pherrets" out there!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Hump Day Hunt - Week Seventy-Eight
Welcome back, my pherret friends. It is hunting time again. Are you ready?
This often flies, and none of us seem to have enough of it...
Our word for this week is: Time
posted by Mama Pherret or one of her minions at 7:15 AM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Hump Day Hunt - Week Seventy-Seven
Happy hump day to all of the pherrets! The time to hunt has arrived.
It's here! It's here! At least for those of us in the northern hemisphere...
This week's word is: Summer
posted by Mama Pherret or one of her minions at 5:17 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Hump Day Hunt - Week Seventy-Six
Salutations to my fellow pherrets! Hump day has arrived and the hunt is on.
It could be said that our topic is over everyone's head...
Our word for this week is: Sky
posted by Mama Pherret or one of her minions at 5:14 AM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Hump Day Hunt - Week Seventy-Five
Happy hump day, my pherret friends. Another hunt is ready and waiting...
Eat, do this, and be merry, I am told...
Our word for the week is: Drink
posted by Mama Pherret or one of her minions at 5:11 AM
The Rules
Each week I will post a random word here. Go forth, Foto Pherrets, and ferret out a photo that you think suits that word! It may be one you've taken yourself or one that you've found some other way, the Foto Pherrets don't care!
Please don't use an image on which you claim copyright. The pherrets are about sharing.
Post it on your blog, and tell us why you selected that particular photo. Be creative, but most of all, HAVE FUN!
~ No professional photographers, please!~
Link To Us
Please upload the image to your own server. Thank you!